Aid for Women’s Mission to Intensify after Landmark Dobbs Decision

CHICAGO – Today’s Dobbs decision will increase the need for Aid for Women’s lifesaving services more than ever as more women travel to Illinois from out of state to obtain abortions.

“We celebrate the wisdom of the majority opinion overturning Roe v. Wade,” said Susan Barrett, Executive Director.  “But we regret that Illinois is poised to become one of the country’s top destinations for abortion on demand.”

Aid for Women has been at the forefront of serving women in the Chicago metropolitan area for over forty-four years.  Aid for Women provides no-cost ultrasounds, pregnancy testing, safe and reliable housing, material support, and encouragement to women facing unplanned pregnancies.  In 2021 alone, over 4,400 women sought our life-affirming services.

According to the Illinois Department of Public Health, in 2020 alone a reported 46,243 babies in Illinois were victims of abortion.  One out of four pregnancies in Cook County ends in abortion.  Each of these unintended pregnancies represents a crisis for the mother.  Abortion, instead of resolving a problem, inflicts additional emotional suffering and even physical trauma.

“At Aid for Women, we believe that every human life, both born and unborn, has dignity and value because we are all created in the image of likeness of God,” said Susan Barrett, Executive Director.  “The mission of Aid for Women remains unchanged – to serve pregnant women, to help them choose life and support them in their decision.  We stand ready, and with steadfast resolve, to respond to the increasing need in our communities.” 

Susan Barrett
Executive Director, Aid for Women, Inc.
